Not one day is the same, every morning I wake up I feel differently than the day before. As I wrote that I got this thought, Every day is changing, every emotion and feeling. I go to bed knowing tomorrow is going to be different, but I'm not afraid anymore. Could it be that I have finally completely given my fear of change to God? I see it getting easier and easier as I wake up to a new morning. I think that's how its supposed to be, I think God is constantly creating new days for us while we sleep. After all we wake up to a brand new day each day we get the privilege to see another one. God is constantly at work in this world and in each individuals life with-in it. This blows my mind just thinking about how powerful and big God is, and I all to often put him in this little box forgetting about his power.
I started writing this post because I'm still dying inside, Its just the weirdest feeling and that's the only way I know how to explain it. I feel okay, happy maybe or if I could say normal I would but I know normal comes in all different colors and sizes. But I still have no energy, I forget things the moment I set them down, I have to force myself to do anything. I know some of you might say, "well thats normal" my response to that is, yes this is normal every once in a while but not every single day. It feels so weird because I feel like my heart and mind are having an argument. My heart (keeper of my emotions) wants to play and be giddy, but my mind doesn't know how to keep up. I feel like I'm trapped inside this happy shell screaming from somewhere deep with-in. Whelp all I can say is because I'm only man I don't understand but God has to know so take it God, Erase these thoughts from my head and heal this broken body.
I have to acknowledge God by:
1) Listening to him, this means that I have to be quiet and like some commentary's would say- SHUT UP.
2) Depend on Him, I have to depend on him and hand what ever is bothering me over to him. Sit back and watch things happen
3) Give Glory to Him, (1 Chronicle's 16:29) Worship the Lord with ALL your heart. Basically "Dance like no one is watching."
4) Focus on the If- cause if God isn't doing it Good Luck
On Sunday the speaker gave a Formula and I would like to share it with you-
If God Doesn't (fill in the blank)
Then I might as well (Fill in the blank)
For an example this would be one of mine.
If God doesn't give me energy and a kind heart,
Then I might as well do nothing all day, complain and be the biggest jerk alive.
Living like this only show's how hopeless and selfish I am. I can't throw an adult fit every time I feel like God isn't doing something. This should be my response...
If God doesn't give me energy and a Kind heart,
Then I must praise him anyway and keep asking him to teach me how to have these things and Know that he will come through.
I have to drop my name completely and this doesn't mean I have to change my name to something else or request that people not call me Tiffany. This means that I have to completely get rid of my selfish ways, I have to completely rely on God to do everything in my life. This means I have to trust that he is working in my life as well as my family's.
If GOD then just don't worry about it!
Jesus I thank you for who you are, I know you are working in my life and I am so blessed by you. I don't deserve anything from you but you give it to me anyways. So Lord, I want to remind you that this life is yours, My WHOLE heart is yours Lord. Please take it and use it for your glory. Lord You know I have doubts and I worry way too much, I want to give that to you today and I ask that you change my thinking and give my patients. I love you so much, thank you for staying by my side.
Live in Community, Love Jesus, Bring Hope to the World
Being a Godly and Wise woman of Faith is not easy. Being a Christian is harder and trusting in God is my weak point. This is my life, my struggles, my fear,my doubts and the story of my process of getting rid of me and becoming transformed in Christ.
The Moran Clan
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I will Continue to BELIEVE!!!
"How long will my prayers seem unanswered? Is there still faith for me to reach the end? I'm feeling down I'm losing Faith, But giving up will cost me EVERYTHING! So I'll stand in the pain, In the silence and I'll speak to the dark night... I BELIEVE in the sun even when its not shining, I BELIEVE in love even when I don't feel it and I BELIEVE in GOD even when He is silent and I, I believe!!!!"
For the past two weeks I have been failing, shutting down and I have had little faith and hope to make i t through the day. I have literally been in a battle for my life and there have been many tears and feelings of defeat. However I still have some faith and God says that even with faith the size of a mustard seed I can move mountains and that's exactly what I have been doing. It has been so hard for me to open my Bible and study but I wasn't going to let that stop me from talking and praising God, Instead I made a point to have music on during the day to lift my spirits and praise God so I can remember that God has never left me, He still loves me and He is hurting for me like a parent would hurt for their suffering child. The attached song has gotten me by the past week, I have played it constantly just to remind myself that I STILL BELIEVE and that even when I feel like my cry's for healing are going unanswered I WILL STILL BELIEVE and I will make it through this.
How am I feeling now? Well I am okay some days, Happy every other day and REALLY happy once in a while. I am so thankful that I am finally beginning to feel happy again, actually I am beginning to feel things I can't remember when the last time I felt them was. But I am so frustrated because I still have NO focus and I am forgetting EVERYTHING! This is especially hard when I have in my possession a card linked directly to my bank account and Keys that start my car and the list goes on. I know that I am dealing with ADHD and it is so frustrating that it is not being treated right now, But with that being said I have to continuously give this frustration to God because I know that right now we are dealing with the "major" issue, Like my friend told me last night depression can kill me ADHD can't. So I will press on knowing that God has a plan and he writes my days so I better trust in him.
Today at church we had the privilege to have Michael Smally preach and surprisingly, but not really surprisingly, He spoke exactly what I wrote about in my "Not my Name Jesus." post. He even used the Ecclesiastes verses I used. I took this a God telling me directly to my face to remember that I have nothing to do with what the outcome will be, but that I need to forget about me trying to fix things and completely trust that God will do everything for me and all I have to do is listen and follow. Constantly this week I have been crying for God to take this life this situation and lead me, Because of this I have seen improvement and progress and my faith is getting stronger. I will continue to believe and trust in God because I want to do his will and not mine.
Anything God says will be done, Nothing is too small or big for God to overcome and I don't know about you, but as for me I am putting my life in his hands. Wednesday I had my follow up appointment with my Doctor, I prayed all the way to the appointment and as I walked up to the door leading into his office. Unlike the previous week his office staff were so nice and uplifting. I didn't have to wait long at all and When my name was called back, also unlike the previous week, my doctor was to very nice and uplifting. We talked and he did his thing and I left. As I headed to my moms house to pick up The Bear I thanked God for meeting with me during the appointment and Being such and amazing God. I began to praise him and as I turned onto woodlands pkwy I noticed a cluster of Grey clouds but it wasn't the fact that the clouds were Grey that caught my attention. When I looked up what I saw I will never forget, In the middle of this Grey cloud there was light shinning around a very white perfectly shaped heart :-). Seeing this just took my breath away, I KNOW that God was saying he loved me and was very proud of me, he was reminding me that I am dear to his heart and he is with me. As I drove further down the pkwy and was getting closer to passing the cloud it started to vanish, My God sent me a Love note. Little things like this could easily be passed up if one wasn't listening and looking for God to speak to them. I can't imagine loving his less, I love the way he holds me and I just can't live with out him.
This life I am living is for God and God alone! Nothing I ever do is because I had enough strength or energy to do it, each day progress is made its because GOD is giving me that strength and everything I live for and want is to live this life for Jesus Christ. I hope when you look at me, you see Jesus.
Everything is a process and its because God's timing is perfect. God is NEVER late He is always on time, Although he has many opportunities to show up early lol he is always on time.
I Love you Jesus, I am so in love with you and I thank you for your timing and blessings. Even though I walk through the Vally of Death, I fear no evil for I know you are with me Lord Jesus. I owe you everything Jesus so take this heart of mine and Use it for your Kingdom. Thank you for taking the fall for my sins, Let me never forget the price that was paid for my salvation Lord. I will never forget your broken body and the blood that was shed to wash my sins white as snow. Lord take this life, I offer you my whole heart and I will follow you all the days of my life. Amen
Journey Together, Love Jesus, Bring Hope to the World...
Monday, July 18, 2011
Depression! Just Diagnosed
To my readers, I have to apologize for not being able to keep up with my posts lately. The truth is I haven't been in the word lately and haven't been in constant prayer either about why.
Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods. True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer.
As I have been being honest with myself and who I really am while uncovering feelings I thought were long gone, I have been falling deeper and deeper into depression. I know I can't help what has happened and I have forgiven my past and failures, The only thing that was left was this demon that has cast a huge shadow over my life and happiness. For the past couple months but really intensely the past couple weeks I have been battling with my emotions. There have been days where I literally haven't been able to get out of bed and NOTHING kills a mother more than the feeling of being completely hopeless and Useless to her babies! After a couple ruff days I was finally able to mustard up enough energy to get in touch with a doctor and I have been "Diagnosed" with Major Depression (single episode) Disorder. How am I feeling? Well Sad all the time, I want to cry for no reason at all, No amount of sleep is ever enough and I can't even get out of bed in the mornings without a fight, I have ZERO energy and no desire to complete any task. I look around and I can't help but to feel like a huge disappointment for not being able to accomplish anything. I yell at my husband CONSTANTLY and it hurts so bad because I cant control it ya'll.
Today is day 6 of being on my new medication and I am starting to feel small very small shreds of heaviness being lifted off me. I am able to wake up in the mornings now without much of a fight and I can get through my days with minimal pain. I'm holding onto hope and I know one day, this will be lifted and I can shine bright again.
Sunday Chris and I went up and asked for prayer, Which was kinda awkward because it was our first time to ask but I'm glad we did. The elder prayed over me, anointing me and explained that I have been "Just Diagnosed" with depression, I don't HAVE depression and it will be lifted. It was so weird because as he was praying over me I felt as if something way being ripped from my body, almost like you see in the animated movies, and I felt so much better through the day. I have the best support right now from my Husband, Family and Friends and I could ask for a better group of people. God is IN control and His hand is in this situation and I will be VICTORIOUS.
"Answer me quickly, O Lord; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit. Let the Morning bring me word of your unfailing love, For I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Rescue me from my enemies, O Lord, for I hide myself in you. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. For your name's sake, O Lord, preserve my life' in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble. in your unfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant." Amen, Psalms 143:7-12
Journey Together, Love Jesus, Bring hope to the World!
Friday, July 1, 2011
How is your Heart?
How is your Heart?
Yesterday night I was able to attend a Beth Moore Bible study called Wishing up. It is much different than a normal study by Beth Moore because there is no homework to be done. I missed last weeks study, but thankfully some of my friends caught me up on it. I knew this was going to be a hard study to take part in, and I knew I had to go.
Lately I had been complaining about being so tired of being tired, and not having any answers our explanations for anything. I have been on this emotional whirlwind of a journey for the past month or so, and it had just about claimed insanity over me. I didn't know what this bible study was going to be about, and truthfully I had no idea my church was hosting another one until my friend asked if I was going to go. Unfortunately, like I mentioned before I was unable to attend the first meeting but my girlfriends informed me that this study would be perfect for me.
The study topic was: The Heart of Wisdom, and I just have to share with you all what I was able to get from the study last night.
I think Beth Moore is keeping us mainly in Proverbs as we embark on this 6 week study. Just like she said last night, I will warn all my readers of this.... "God has come to mess with us today!" This was not easy information for me to receive, and I pray that God will guide my every key stroke so that I may pass on the same message to you all from my perspective.
Beth Moore starts out with a little factoid, "The Book of Proverbs uses the word "heart" 75 times." Since there are only 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs this tells me that there must be something important that I should learn about my heart. She goes on to say that in Proverbs 4:23 it explains the absolute priority attention the heart is to receive over all other human faculties. You know, I have always grown up with people saying, "you have to protect your heart.", "You can't trust your heart." or "Your heart is the master deceiver." well, La da da de do! my response, often not verbalized, was always "Why do you care?", "It's not your heart, so let me do with it what I want since it is mine after all." But as life progressed for me, I soon began to realize just how important my heart was. After many heartaches and hurt to disappointment and depression, I started to realize that my heart just may be the keeper of my emotions.
Well I can tell you, This study was not peaches and cream for me. It was a huge eye opener and will be a huge challenge for me to completely understand and apply it to my life. Proverbs 4:23 says, Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
This means, that I must guard my heart with passion because everything I take in comes out through my heart. Beth made a point to say that our hearts can be a powerful toll against the darkness, but unguarded Satan has the power to manipulate and use my heart in wrong ways. I realized that I have been protecting my heart for a very long time, but not like it is mentioned in Proverbs rather I have been protecting it from everything and that includes God. He already knows my heart, But what about me? How well do I know my heart? *gasp* When this questioned was asked, I became paralyzed in my seat. I thought I knew my heart, It's definitely a crazy one but could it actually be that I don't really understand my heart? I don't think Beth is very far behind with this question.
Its interesting how the Bible and some commentary's describe the heart. "Biblically speaking, the heart is "the seat of intentions, thoughts, and emotions" and serves "as the control for the rest of human anatomy." the commentary calls it "the seat of [Tiffany Morans] dearest treasure."
WOW, so if this is true my heart is really the thing that controls most of my every actions. My heart tells my mouth how to speak and body to react and it is the thrown that holds onto my dearest treasures! My heart is one powerful thing, and I honestly don't know how to control it at this point. Its funny because I have mentioned that my emotions are to strong and I am weak to its power. Its no wonder why either, I would say I have to first understand my heart not try to figure out why my emotions are crazy. It's not a mental disorder, its a heart disorder.
I took away with the understanding that ALL wisdom and ALL folly reside in the heart. So what am I guarding my heart from? Wisdom or Folly? I want to guard it from folly and all evil and guard all pure things with-in it. I learned that Wisdom comes from the heart, That it is the only place open for God to pass through us. The thing that hit the most was, God cannot use me or offer me any wisdom if my heart is not completely his. I can't say to him, "Here God, you can have everything my heart has to offer but not my fear of change, God, I don't trust anybody with that." If even the smallest thing is guarded from God, He will not be able to pass through your heart. The Bible says, God searches the world daily for just one willing heart offered to him completely. I really want to give God my heart, and I really want to have wisdom but I'm not sure I'm willing to completely give it away and hold on to nothing. Are you? If you are, or have please share some of that wisdom with me.
I possess nothing any deeper or greater than my Heart, This means that my Heart is a very dangerous thing. But If Applied right, it is a very dangerous thing to Satan. A Guarded heart for Christ will protect you completely from Satan, He will no longer be able to use me or get to me any longer if my heart is applied the right way. God is asking me to trust him with my heart, So why is it so hard?
I learned that I have all of these types of Hearts;
1.) Anxious heart
2.)Isolated heart
3.)Hope-sick heart
4.)Hardened heart
I know exactly when I start to feel anxiety come over me and when it does I explode like a vicious volcano looking to destroy what ever is in its path. I get Anxiety when my husband, friends or parents do not understand me but I want so desperately for them to. Or when things aren't going exactly how I want them to, or when I'm just flat out overwhelmed.
Something that struck me hard was, I have anxiety issues and it holds me down. Every time I give into my anxiety, I bow down bow down to it like prisoners before their captain. It all just boils down to me just flat out having an obedience problem. All anxiety is rooted in Control, And I desperate want to feel like I have control over everything. But I am SINNING if I continue to live like this, because God say's not to worry or be anxious because he is in control. He tells us to pray over being anxious, Not so that we can have it but that when ever I do feel anxious I would bow down to HIM instead of ANXIETY... 1 Peter 5:7 says, Cast on our anxiety on Christ, the moment you feel it throw it to him. This means that even if I began to look like a schizophrenic person because I am crying out loud to God every time I feel anxiety just throwing on him, because I feel anxiety about every 10 minutes of the day, then so be it! Anxiety turns into fear as soon as we realize we don't have control over something. Let me tell you, I want NOTHING to do with my anxiety anymore, and I must say "This is yours God, you are in control of this." And further more, Manipulation is control just another way of it.
I have an Isolated heat, because Not one person truly can understand what I am going through. You could take two people with the same issue but they will process it very differently emotionally. There are certain things that I just wont ever be able to make clear to other people.
I have a Hope-sick heart because I am a jealous person. I can't tell you how many times I've just thrown my hands up in the air proclaimed that I'm DONE or that I wont pray for that issue anymore, Its just useless or even I can't believe that they got this and I have been wanting that for the longest time!!! doing this only show's how "hopeless' I am.
I have a Hardened heart because I cut people out of my life or certain things I'm not willing to hear. The cold hard truth is, Every time I say, "I don't care" or cut myself out to someone, I have just committed murder! Any one who hates is a murderer according to the Bible, acting like you don't care is murder. I am guilty of committing emotional murder daily!
I have to Guard my heart like a prisoner chained to the wrist of Christ. Nothing is more foolish that a hard heart. Not with holding one thing, I have to bring my whole heart to Christ, because he can only work with all of it.
Once I am able to do this, He will show me the power to overcome the Devil!!! This is all I ever want.
I am daily working on all of these issues, but its not going to be an easy one. However I am more aware of everything mentioned and I hope through the years I will become much stronger.
Thank you Lord for bringing this information to my ears, You know just how hard it is going to be for me and I thank you for your patience. Please continue to lead me in the right direction. Amen
Journey Together,Love Jesus, Bring Hope to the World
God Bless you
Yesterday night I was able to attend a Beth Moore Bible study called Wishing up. It is much different than a normal study by Beth Moore because there is no homework to be done. I missed last weeks study, but thankfully some of my friends caught me up on it. I knew this was going to be a hard study to take part in, and I knew I had to go.
Lately I had been complaining about being so tired of being tired, and not having any answers our explanations for anything. I have been on this emotional whirlwind of a journey for the past month or so, and it had just about claimed insanity over me. I didn't know what this bible study was going to be about, and truthfully I had no idea my church was hosting another one until my friend asked if I was going to go. Unfortunately, like I mentioned before I was unable to attend the first meeting but my girlfriends informed me that this study would be perfect for me.
The study topic was: The Heart of Wisdom, and I just have to share with you all what I was able to get from the study last night.
I think Beth Moore is keeping us mainly in Proverbs as we embark on this 6 week study. Just like she said last night, I will warn all my readers of this.... "God has come to mess with us today!" This was not easy information for me to receive, and I pray that God will guide my every key stroke so that I may pass on the same message to you all from my perspective.
Beth Moore starts out with a little factoid, "The Book of Proverbs uses the word "heart" 75 times." Since there are only 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs this tells me that there must be something important that I should learn about my heart. She goes on to say that in Proverbs 4:23 it explains the absolute priority attention the heart is to receive over all other human faculties. You know, I have always grown up with people saying, "you have to protect your heart.", "You can't trust your heart." or "Your heart is the master deceiver." well, La da da de do! my response, often not verbalized, was always "Why do you care?", "It's not your heart, so let me do with it what I want since it is mine after all." But as life progressed for me, I soon began to realize just how important my heart was. After many heartaches and hurt to disappointment and depression, I started to realize that my heart just may be the keeper of my emotions.
Well I can tell you, This study was not peaches and cream for me. It was a huge eye opener and will be a huge challenge for me to completely understand and apply it to my life. Proverbs 4:23 says, Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
This means, that I must guard my heart with passion because everything I take in comes out through my heart. Beth made a point to say that our hearts can be a powerful toll against the darkness, but unguarded Satan has the power to manipulate and use my heart in wrong ways. I realized that I have been protecting my heart for a very long time, but not like it is mentioned in Proverbs rather I have been protecting it from everything and that includes God. He already knows my heart, But what about me? How well do I know my heart? *gasp* When this questioned was asked, I became paralyzed in my seat. I thought I knew my heart, It's definitely a crazy one but could it actually be that I don't really understand my heart? I don't think Beth is very far behind with this question.
Its interesting how the Bible and some commentary's describe the heart. "Biblically speaking, the heart is "the seat of intentions, thoughts, and emotions" and serves "as the control for the rest of human anatomy." the commentary calls it "the seat of [Tiffany Morans] dearest treasure."
WOW, so if this is true my heart is really the thing that controls most of my every actions. My heart tells my mouth how to speak and body to react and it is the thrown that holds onto my dearest treasures! My heart is one powerful thing, and I honestly don't know how to control it at this point. Its funny because I have mentioned that my emotions are to strong and I am weak to its power. Its no wonder why either, I would say I have to first understand my heart not try to figure out why my emotions are crazy. It's not a mental disorder, its a heart disorder.
I took away with the understanding that ALL wisdom and ALL folly reside in the heart. So what am I guarding my heart from? Wisdom or Folly? I want to guard it from folly and all evil and guard all pure things with-in it. I learned that Wisdom comes from the heart, That it is the only place open for God to pass through us. The thing that hit the most was, God cannot use me or offer me any wisdom if my heart is not completely his. I can't say to him, "Here God, you can have everything my heart has to offer but not my fear of change, God, I don't trust anybody with that." If even the smallest thing is guarded from God, He will not be able to pass through your heart. The Bible says, God searches the world daily for just one willing heart offered to him completely. I really want to give God my heart, and I really want to have wisdom but I'm not sure I'm willing to completely give it away and hold on to nothing. Are you? If you are, or have please share some of that wisdom with me.
I possess nothing any deeper or greater than my Heart, This means that my Heart is a very dangerous thing. But If Applied right, it is a very dangerous thing to Satan. A Guarded heart for Christ will protect you completely from Satan, He will no longer be able to use me or get to me any longer if my heart is applied the right way. God is asking me to trust him with my heart, So why is it so hard?
I learned that I have all of these types of Hearts;
1.) Anxious heart
2.)Isolated heart
3.)Hope-sick heart
4.)Hardened heart
I know exactly when I start to feel anxiety come over me and when it does I explode like a vicious volcano looking to destroy what ever is in its path. I get Anxiety when my husband, friends or parents do not understand me but I want so desperately for them to. Or when things aren't going exactly how I want them to, or when I'm just flat out overwhelmed.
Something that struck me hard was, I have anxiety issues and it holds me down. Every time I give into my anxiety, I bow down bow down to it like prisoners before their captain. It all just boils down to me just flat out having an obedience problem. All anxiety is rooted in Control, And I desperate want to feel like I have control over everything. But I am SINNING if I continue to live like this, because God say's not to worry or be anxious because he is in control. He tells us to pray over being anxious, Not so that we can have it but that when ever I do feel anxious I would bow down to HIM instead of ANXIETY... 1 Peter 5:7 says, Cast on our anxiety on Christ, the moment you feel it throw it to him. This means that even if I began to look like a schizophrenic person because I am crying out loud to God every time I feel anxiety just throwing on him, because I feel anxiety about every 10 minutes of the day, then so be it! Anxiety turns into fear as soon as we realize we don't have control over something. Let me tell you, I want NOTHING to do with my anxiety anymore, and I must say "This is yours God, you are in control of this." And further more, Manipulation is control just another way of it.
I have an Isolated heat, because Not one person truly can understand what I am going through. You could take two people with the same issue but they will process it very differently emotionally. There are certain things that I just wont ever be able to make clear to other people.
I have a Hope-sick heart because I am a jealous person. I can't tell you how many times I've just thrown my hands up in the air proclaimed that I'm DONE or that I wont pray for that issue anymore, Its just useless or even I can't believe that they got this and I have been wanting that for the longest time!!! doing this only show's how "hopeless' I am.
I have a Hardened heart because I cut people out of my life or certain things I'm not willing to hear. The cold hard truth is, Every time I say, "I don't care" or cut myself out to someone, I have just committed murder! Any one who hates is a murderer according to the Bible, acting like you don't care is murder. I am guilty of committing emotional murder daily!
I have to Guard my heart like a prisoner chained to the wrist of Christ. Nothing is more foolish that a hard heart. Not with holding one thing, I have to bring my whole heart to Christ, because he can only work with all of it.
Once I am able to do this, He will show me the power to overcome the Devil!!! This is all I ever want.
I am daily working on all of these issues, but its not going to be an easy one. However I am more aware of everything mentioned and I hope through the years I will become much stronger.
Thank you Lord for bringing this information to my ears, You know just how hard it is going to be for me and I thank you for your patience. Please continue to lead me in the right direction. Amen
Journey Together,Love Jesus, Bring Hope to the World
God Bless you
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