Ecclesiastes 1:4-11 A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises. The wind blows to the south and goes around to the north; around and around goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns. All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow, there the flow again. All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing of which it is said, "See, this is new"? It has been already in the ages before us. There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to be among those who come after.
ESV explains; The "Vanity" of the Natural World. The endless repetition of natural seasons and cycles never produces anything "new" and thus appears to be without direction or purpose. There is no remembrance of former things, nor... of later things. Or, if the reading in the footnote is accepted, "there is no remembrance of former people...nor...of later people" As the generations come and go there are very few people who make any significant impact on the course of world history; the majority of the human generations thus appears to be as purposeless as the repetitive cycles of the natural world.
I think its only natural, being human, to want our name's to be known around the world or even in our small circle of friends. The want to feel popular doesn't ever leave us, does it? We are faced with clicks where ever we go, what ever age we are or stage of life we're in. I used to think it would be different in a place like church, but unfortunately I have been let down in that thinking. For someone on the outside looking in, its already intimidating enough walking into a place like church let alone looking around and seeing the same ole thing that one would see everywhere else. You might ask,"Where do I go now, Where do I fit in, Am I accepted?" The truth is, nowhere you go, will you ever find perfect worldly. Christians aren't perfect and EVERYONE makes mistakes and falls back into every category "society" deems acceptable. We are attracted to other people like us, So how can this change? Well it only takes one willing person to make a difference. My thought is, that person will have to completely get rid of themselves, pick up their cross and walk whole heartily shedding their skin and putting on Christ's. Then and only then can a difference be made.
I have a driving passion to not let my name be known but rather, in the end, I hope when people think of me They'll only, be able to see God. Nothing I do right or wrong is because of how smart I may be, Wise or outgoing. Everything done through me is because God gives me that strength and the ability to reach out. I have to catch myself daily because naturally I accept the glory, but the glory is not mine but is to be God's alone. For example, I have to be careful to not take the responsibility for whether or not Kayla goes to live on her life as a shining example for Christ, if she makes many mistakes, becomes a doctor or the begging city bum you pass walking to work everyday. I have to make the choice to live the way God calls me to live and be the best example I can possibly be of His love and grace. In return giving him the glory and praise for every outcome.
A month or two ago I partook in one of the most life altering bible studies I've had the privilege to be apart of. Priscilla Shirer's "Jonah" (Navigating a Life Interrupted) completely turned my life upside down forcing me to look in the mirror at my life in its current state allowing me to see me for who I really was. This study should come with a warning... May open Pandora's box..... Because that is exactly what it has done in my life. But there is no one I wouldn't recommend this study to. If you want a life altered and the ability to drop your name, I challenge you to take on Jonah. You will not be disappointed I promise you this.
This is my constant Surrender- I declare to put a stop to my obsessive ways,my hard heart, my fear of trust, change and the desire to steer my life "making" things happen. I promise to surrender these things to God and run after his plan whole heartily. For i Want to make a lasting impression on History, That my NAME not be remembered but HIS.
Oh God, My God I scream out from the depths of my heart for your name to be known across the nations. That your people would drop theirs names and put on yours. You are to be praised at all hours of the day, You are such a loving and gracious God slow to anger but abounding in steadfast love. Oh, Lord we do not deserve a love like yours. Thank you for being the God you are to a sinner like me. I am nothing but Judas's Kiss and you love me anyway. Praise be to your name, May you reign in my heart forever. I pray over my readers and the flock of nations, that they may be introduced to a God like you, I pray for their salvation Lord and I pray for this blog, Please speak through me and guide my thoughts so that I through you may reach many. We love you father, we need you Father... Please forgive our transgressions Lord, Help us never to forget the price you paid for our salvation. In your holy name, I pray... Amen
Journey Together, Love Jesus, Bring Hope
God Bless you
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