The Moran Clan

The Moran Clan

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Realization- Time to let go

After yesterdays post I was able to think and process, the best I could, many of the things mentioned. It wasn't until a very wise man emailed me, that I finally understood it all. In following are some of the things said that will forever have a lasting impact on my life. My hope is that it may reach someone else and have the same lasting effect.

"Sometimes I think its hard for anyone who finally realize they’ve made mistakes that can destroy their future to realize everyone – I mean everyone – makes mistakes. And really, a mistake is a mistake. Except for God’s grace, all mistakes make us failures in God’s site. But Jesus’ blood hides those mistakes from God’s eyes so all he sees is a perfect child.

You need to remember Jesus’ blood hides those mistakes from others and should also hide them from you. The past is the past and it should stay in the past. If you are afraid the past has the power to again become the present, then it means the thing you fear is not in your past and you need to put it there. Forgive yourself, forgive the men, trust God as you are and the past will totally loose its power over your future."

Amen right? I'm only human to linger on these "mistakes", but doing so turns out to be so destructive to my life. I realize now that I have been stuck in this tragic wheel of thinking and I couldn't even tell you where it ends because I have not yet found that point myself. Astoundingly though, This email screams truth and wisdom to my ears.

The past is in fact the past and most remain in the past! What you are left with is a testimony, that if used properly and understood, turns out to be an amazing tool.

I stand today completely freed from the shackles that bound me and choose to praise God for his blood that covers my sins.

This very wise man who sent the email happens to also be my Dad. His name is Richard Quinn and together with my mom Karen Quinn they have a total of 22 kids. After being blessed with 3 beautiful children, on the outside one might say, " This family seems complete." But little did they or anybody else know just what God was brewing in their hearts.

As I understand it from my mom, My name, my plea for help and someone to love me made its appearance in the form of a church brochure. On that Sunday morning my dad's eyes caught image of the little description under the little picture of one curly-blond haired and browned eyed young girl. He nudges my mom's side showing her the brochure while sporting an endearing look. You could imagine, my mom now having 7 kids (4 adopted) wanted to take some time to pray about this. Thankfully after a couple weeks and my face continuing to appear on that brochure, God finally came through to my parents.

Hello, My name is Tiffany (Quinn) Moran. I have a forever family and the best thing about that is, I also have 22 siblings. Most importantly, I was given the GREATEST gift anyone could give another. I have and know the love of Jesus Chris, It has been imprinted forever in my mind and heart and I owe it all to my parents.

Maybe, Just maybe, This whole "Getting rid of me" thing isn't going to be such a challenge after all. I mean, look at how far I've already gotten. Matthew 19:26 - But Jesus looked at them and said. " With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Friends, ALL things are possible if you just allow God to take control.

Today I was led to Ecclesiastes 1:1-3 and the funniest part about it all is last night Chris and I were joking about something, I can't remember really what about, and he jokingly spat out Ecclesiastes 1:13 in reference that it has some meaning to what we were talking about. So, I told him that I would indeed look up that verse, but little did I know that there would be huge importance in that verse. That had nothing to do with what we were joking about if I may add.

Ecclesiastes 1:1-3... Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher. vanity of vanities! All is vanity. What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?

Confused yet? I didn't really understand this verse much until I read a little more description about it. What does Vanity refer to in this verse? I'm not sure since the Preacher leaves it unexplained. However, as the book progresses its meaning becomes more clear. What does man gain? The ESV explains it- This repeated question is born out of the Preacher's realization that "all is vanity" if life frequently makes no sense and pleasures and achievements are "fleeting," is there any significance to human existence? The phrase under the sun does not indicate a "secular" point of view, as is often claimed but rather refers to the world and to mankind in their current fallen state.

Ahhhh Haa! Well then, that makes a lot of sense :-). In my case, Vanity is my past and today's trials. I don't gain anything at all by toiling in my current state about it. I can't change my past or make better things happen, so why do I try? Because I must be insane :-). Maybe that's a little to far, but maybe its because I want to be the conductor of my life. Because for some reason I have felt like I could make better outcomes of situations. The truth is, I am nothing but a catastrophe waiting to happen and I don't want any part of that. Friends, Please do not let your life get to this point. Trust in God, trust that he has a better plan for your life than the one you have sitting on that pedestal. Because chasing after that "life" has brought me nothing but heartache.

Ecclesiastes 1:13... And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is an unhappy business that God had given to the children of man to be busy with.

I don't know about you, but I want to be wise and have wisdom. According to this verse it is an unhappy business to be in. It wasn't until today did I completely understand wisdom. You see, I have wisdom already but it is up to me how I use it. Everything I have been through thus far and everything that I've witnessed under heaven play a role to my wisdom. The reason why this is important is because I used to look back at my past and see nothing but failure in a big pile of useless garbage..... One mans garbage, is another mans treasure. God's going to use my past in miraculous was and I'm going to hold on to the wisdom received from it.

Its amazing to me what I could miss if my ears aren't open. You see, Chris spatting out this verse last night could have gone in one ear and out the other. I decided to look it up, and its a good thing I did :-)

Today, My Faith and Trust is in the Lord. I pray for the Holy Spirit to be my earthly light unto the path my Heavenly Father had laid down for me. I continue to pray that I learn to fully respect my Husband and become the woman/wife and mother I am appointed to be.

Our Mission Statement: Journey Together, Love Jesus, Bring Hope ( together with the community of Woodsedge Community Church)

God Bless you

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